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              GHOST STORIES


A woman was walking at the beach in southern California.  The skies were clear on a bright sunny day.  She was wearing a scanty bikini top and white linen shorts.  Loitering along the shore, she came across a brilliantly colored rock.  Enamored with its luster she picked it up and placed it in her pocket; a souvenir of a memorable day at the beach.  Two hours later, she was seen screaming in pain because the rock spontaneously combusted into flames; still in her shorts.

The woman was rushed to the hospital, where she was treated for third degree burns.  She insisted that she had no idea of how that could have happened.  Hospital staff and doctors were baffled; no one had ever experienced such an incident.  Local newspapers picked up the story of the case of the “Burning Rocks.”  Scientists looking into the matter were only able to come up with one possible explanation, the presence of phosphorous.  According to the scientists, how the rock got to the beach that day remains a mystery.

Read more... FRANKENSTEIN BRIDE uploaded March 15, 2013



Cleaning out a closet, I came across a box of my grandfather’s memorabilia.  A WWII Veteran, long departed from this world, he was decorated with 32 medals and kept his Blue Infantry Cord.  I opened a small tan colored box and found a shiny silver-finish military compass inside a linen sack.  It looked like a small pocket watch.  Longines-Wittnauer Watch Co., Inc. was marked on the box.  The extraordinary little pocket compass sparked faint memories of enchanting lands and danger.

Longiness was a Swiss clockmaker located in Saint Imier.  Wittnauer was their agent in the U.S. and together they produced military compasses in the 1940's for the US and Great Brittan (Allies).  The compass was standard issue for armed forces personnel who were responsible for maps and directions.  Smart phones and gps wouldn’t be invented for another 50 years.

Read more... PAPPY’S UNDARK GIRLS  uploaded March 8, 2013


The moon revolves around Earth and is locked in what's called a synchronous orbit.  We always see the same side; the Apollo astronauts were the first humans to actually look at the dark side of the moon.  Like the sun, the moon rises in the east and sets in the west.  However, on its 28-day trek around the earth, it rises 50 minutes later each day.  After that, the exact movement of the moon gets a little complicated, but the guys with the really big telescopes have it all figured out. ​

Every time I see the moon it has looked more or less the same, except sometimes it’s brighter.  I can’t make out any features, but I’ve been told there are huge impact craters.  I see gray-dark spots and unless it’s full, I see the shadow of the earth crossing it.

Read more... HIDDEN MESSAGE   uploaded March 1, 2013


On Halloween, 2000, a “ghost” fleet of 14 boats were found in the middle of the Egyptian desert.  The archeologists who uncovered the boats noted something very odd.  The boats were sealed in white plaster and buried deep in the ground; much like a grave.  It appears that whoever buried the boats either truly feared advanced technology or wanted us (future generations) to fear the technology. 

Last summer, a group of students from a California college attempted to use a kite to lift a large stone obelisk.  Is this the lost technology of the ancients?  They gathered in the California desert to test the ancient technology.  If proven, it would appear that fewer people would be called upon to build the pyramids.  Using fewer people and lifting technology solves a great number of problems that plagued the previous theories; how could a pyramid be constructed in 20 years, and/or provide for tens of thousands of workers.

Read more... MAGIC CARPET uploaded March 22, 2103


San Francisquito Canyon is located just north of Los Angeles.  One evening, I ventured along the dry dirt path leading to the site of the St. Francis Dam failure.  Most notable to me was the lack of any landmark.  I walked past a memorial sign located at the power station a couple of miles from the site.  Around me were huge displaced piles of dirt and the unnatural vertical shape of scoured canyon walls.  I took a personal interest and sought to disinter the St. Francis Dam.  I felt a little uneasy, sensing I was being followed.  I looked over my shoulder and was startled by the presence of William Mulholland.


“The place is in a desperate state,” His brogue deepening.

Read more... DISASTER DISINTERRED uploaded March 29, 2103


Historically, the Native American rite of passage required leading a blindfolded boy into the forest and leaving him alone with no tools in the early morning before dawn.  He is sat down on a stump where he is told not to remove his blindfold.  There he connects with the spirits who give him strength and courage.  Once the sun rises, he removes his blindfold and makes note of what the spirits have presented to him.  Once back at the village, the medicine man would confer with him and then bestow his warrior name; the name he would keep for the rest of his life.

1. From Hot Springs/reservoir or pool
2. Drive down the canyon
3. To the pueblo
4. Enter the river bed
5. Walk upstream on river deposits
6. To where you can see the fire/burn area (area burned before Oct 2010)
7. Go back
8. Through the trees
9. To where the road is barely visible

Read more... ROCKY MOUNTAIN VISION QUEST uploaded April 5, 2103

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